Why should LED power supply do aging test
What is the help of the aging test before leaving the factory for the stability of the LED switching
power supply? Why do power products need to do aging test, because power products, especially for LED switching power supplies, high-frequency and high-power LED switching power supplies, aging test
is very necessary. Because the whole circuit components, with the
extension of the time of the on-load power-on test, the internal temperature of
each device will slowly rise, in the case of full load and 20% increase in
input voltage, about 20-30 minutes, the internal temperature of those key components
rises to a higher value, and the stability of the whole product reaches a height.
If some devices cannot withstand the increase in temperature, there will be accidents,
such as the output voltage drops, or the output stops, or the possibility of a component
burning black and smoking, causing certain safety hazards. According
to long-term statistical data, about 0.5% of the defective products are detected
by us at this stage, if you do not do the aging test, there is no way to detect
some of the defective power supplies that are hidden deeply. This test is a basic
test that all professional LED power supply quality manufacturers must do, Guangzhou
Yuxiang Power insists on requiring the production workshop to do 100% aging test
for each product.